August 31, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Congrats! You’ve just become the proud owner of hearing aids – a wonderful piece of modern technology. But new hearing aid owners will wish somebody had told them certain things, just like with any new technology. Let’s look at nine common mistakes new hearing aid wearers make and how you can avoid them. 1. Not […]
August 24, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Are you experiencing ringing in your ears that’s driving you crazy? Discover whether your tinnitus is inherited or what the cause may be. Tinnitus, what exactly is it? Tinnitus is the term describing a person’s perception of a ringing, droning, or buzzing in the ear with no external stimulus present to explain this experience. The […]
August 16, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
There are lots of ways to feel more youthful. But protecting your hearing is one way that is frequently ignored. For years, enhancing and increasing your life has been connected to a healthy diet and exercise. It also helps prevent heart disease, cancer, and promotes weight control. But remaining healthy and youthful also relies on […]
August 9, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Summertime has some activities that are just staples: Air shows, concerts, fireworks, state fairs, Nascar races, etc. The crowds, and the noise levels, are getting larger as more of these activities are going back to normal. And that can be a problem. Let’s face it: you’ve noticed ringing in your ears after going to a […]
August 2, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Hearing loss is generally an aggravating condition that can be the result of a number of things. Even though hearing loss is commonly the result of age or an injury, in some circumstances, hearing loss might be an indication of a more severe underlying medical condition. These are some hearing loss red flags you should […]
July 26, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Hearing aids are designed to help compensate for your unique hearing loss condition. Whether you are new to wearing hearing aids or have been using them for years, if your hearing aids cause headaches or any other kind of pain, there is an answer. A correctly adjusted hearing aid will fit comfortably in your ear […]
July 19, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Does it seem like your hearing aid batteries die way too quickly? There are numerous reasons why this may be taking place that might be surprising. How long should hearing aid batteries last? The typical hearing aid battery lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days. That range is fairly wide. So wide, in fact, that […]
July 12, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
In conversation with friends, you like to be polite. You want your customers, co-workers, and supervisor to see that you’re totally engaged when you’re at work. With family, you might find it easier to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person near you to repeat what you missed, just a bit louder, please. […]
July 6, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
You’re having a Zoom call with your granddaughter and you’ve been looking forward to it all week! You’ll be able to get caught up, check-in, and, have a laugh. But when you get online you notice, to your sadness and disappointment, that you can’t hear very well. Your hearing aids are in, but everything sounds […]
June 29, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Do you hear a crackling sound? A condition known as tinnitus can cause you to hear buzzing, crackling, whooshing, or other sounds in your ears. Here’s some info. Do you hear phantom noises like thumping, buzzing, or ringing in your ears? If this is occurring with hearing aids, it may mean you need to come […]