June 21, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
As we get older we start to have difficulty hearing clearly and we typically just accept it as a normal part of growing older. Maybe we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Perhaps the volume on our TV keeps getting louder. We may even discover that we’re becoming […]
June 14, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
You completely forgot your hearing exam tomorrow, but that’s not really unusual, you’ve been very busy. Luckily, you just received that reminder text from us, and you still have some time to get ready. So what should I do to get ready? You won’t need to stay up all night preparing for a hearing test […]
June 7, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
You have an active summer planned. Plenty of beach time and lots of swimming no doubt. You’ll do some day-to-day jogging and then maybe attend a ball game or two before heading home and grilling up some delicious dinner. Your schedule will be rather full. So it’s important that your hearing aids are ready. Summer […]
June 2, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Keep your eyes on the road. Obviously, it’s good advice, but it doesn’t speak to your other senses. As an example, think about the amount of work your ears are doing while driving. You’re using your ears to engage with other individuals in your vehicle, alert you to important information appearing on your dashboard, and […]
May 25, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
When should you have your hearing tested? You need a hearing test if you have any of these four warning signs. Recently, my kids complained about how loud my television was. And guess what my reply was. I said, “What”? It was funny. Because it was a joke. But it also wasn’t. I have needed […]
May 17, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
The buzzing in your ear keeps worsening. It started off quietly enough, one of those “is it really there” kind of situations. But you’ve noticed how loud and persistent the tinnitus sounds have become after an entire day on the job at a construction site. Sometimes, it sounds like ringing or other noises. You’re considering […]
May 11, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
The last time you had dinner with family, you were pretty frustrated. It wasn’t because of family crisis (this time). No, the source of the frustration was simple: it was loud, and you couldn’t hear anything. So you didn’t hear the details about Nancy’s raise, and you didn’t have the ability to ask about Todd’s […]
May 4, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
You finally obtained those new hearing aids. You’re finally going to be able to get back into the groove of your social life again. No more bad transitions or confused conversations. But there’s a problem: everything sounds a little bit off. That’s because it’ll probably take you some time to adjust to a new set […]
April 27, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
As a swimmer, you enjoy being in the water. When you were a kid, everybody said you were part fish because you loved to swim so much the pool was your second home. Today, the water sounds a bit… louder… than normal. And then you recognize your oversight: you went in the pool with your […]
April 20, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Your ability to hear is valuable – once you lose it, the chance of getting it back in its natural form is not likely. But strangely, the general public tends to disregard hearing loss. As a matter of fact, permanent hearing loss affects one out of eight people (nearly 30 million people) over the age […]