April 12, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Intimacy isn’t normally the first thing that one thinks of when you think about hearing aids. We understand. The advertising on these little devices is relatively straightforward. Less defined expressions including poetry, music, and art are more suited to the subject of love. But you might want to start looking at your hearing aid as […]
April 6, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Hearing loss is widely recognized to be a process that develops gradually. That’s why it can be quite insidious. Your hearing gets worse not in big leaps but by little steps. So if you’re not watching closely, it can be difficult to measure the decline in your hearing. That’s why recognizing the first signs of […]
March 30, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
One way your body provides information to you is through pain response. It’s an effective strategy though not a really pleasant one. When that megaphone you’re standing near goes too loud, the pain lets you know that major ear damage is happening and you immediately (if you’re wise) cover your ears or remove yourself from […]
March 23, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
If you get a cut, that cut will heal. In a short time, your stubbed toe will feel better. Even if you break a bone, when properly set, it will heal. But if you lose your hearing what happens. Can the inner ear heal itself? Can you get your hearing back? Can homeopathic remedies facilitate […]
March 16, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Hearing loss is usually considered an older person’s problem – in fact, it’s estimated that almost 50% of people aged 75 and older copes with some kind of hearing loss. But despite the fact that in younger individuals it’s totally preventable, research shows that they too are at risk of developing hearing loss. One study […]
March 9, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
We all enjoy a good bargain. But you should be careful and be aware of little details in regards to your health. We know, it can be confusing, the names are very similar, but hearing aids and hearing amplifiers are not equivalent. And your overall hearing and health could suffer severe repercussions if you make […]
March 2, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
You will still visit your eye doctor annually even if you already wear eyeglasses. Because your eyes change as time passes. Like the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t fixed and neither are your ears. That’s why, even after you’ve invested in hearing aids, it’s essential to continue to have your ears checked just […]
February 23, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
Over the last several decades the public opinion about cannabinoids and marijuana has transformed significantly. Many states have legalized the use of marijuana, THC, or cannabinoid products for medicinal purposes. The concept that some states (fewer) even allow the recreational use of pot would have been unimaginable 10 years ago. Any compounds derived from the […]
February 16, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
The cause of Meniere’s is not really understood. But it’s difficult to ignore its effects. Ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss are all typical symptoms of this disease. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease appear to come from a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, but scientists aren’t really sure what causes that […]
February 9, 2022 | Cleartone Hearing Aid Services & Medina Hearing Aid Services
It just feels great to find a bargain, right? It can be exhilarating when you’ve received a great deal on something, and the larger discount, the more satisfied you are. So letting your coupon make your buying choices for you, always chasing after the least expensive items, is all too easy. When it comes to […]